Colin Fleming | Connor Broadley
  • Colin

    Chief Operating Officer

  • 1974

    Born in Galway, the eldest of six (a small Irish family)

  • 1986

    Scholarship to local secondary school

  • 1994

    Graduates from NUI Galway with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, moves to New Jersey, and learns to crack lobsters

  • 1997

    Three months in bed with slipped discs, yet qualifies as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG Dublin

  • 1998

    Joins Independent Newspapers Ireland

  • 2000

    After two years of a cross channel romance, moves to London and joins BBDO Europe

  • 2002

    Runs London marathon to get fit, before marrying Maria

  • 2003

    Joins AMV BBDO as financial controller, later progressing to CFO/COO

  • 2004

    First child Ella, followed in later years by Patrick, Amelie and Sarah

  • 2007

    A near miss: suffers seizure due to adrenal gland tumour – fortunately, whilst in hospital

  • 2012

    Shortlisted for UK Young Finance Director of The Year at the CBI Business awards

  • 2013

    Awarded fellowship of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising

  • 2017

    Joins Connor Broadley as Chief Operating Officer as the company enters its second decade

  • 2018

    Qualifies as a financial planner after fourteen exams in a year

  • 2021

    Gets football coaching badges, and starts coaching daughter Sarah’s team at Dulwich Village FC

  • 2022

    Achieves second chartered qualification, this time as a Chartered Financial Planner

Other team life lines